Natural Selection 2

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Picture a space station overrun by an alien infestation, just as you have seen innumerous times in science-fiction films, television series and games. That is the exact setting of Natural Selection 2, a cliché representation of a fight between human marines and alien monsters, in this case the Frontiersmen and the Kharaa. If any sort of plot were provided I might be a little more enthusiastic about the origin and causation of the depicted battles, but, being a multiplayer game, Natural Selection 2 seems to just cut the fat and focus on bad-ass online strategy/action gameplay, which it definitely delivers. Also, although the environments are what you would expect with the above description (miscellaneous futuristic settings similar to those in Star Wars/Alien/etc.), they are beautifully made, and can barely be appreciated to the extent they deserve when used as the backdrop against the game’s frantic skirmishes.

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